Web Debut Lighters

About the Web Debut Lighters

The collection of web debut lighters are designed specially for our fans and featured first on zippo.com! These fun, trendy lighters feature subjects and elements that our fans have asked for. When combined with Zippo's signature processes, these new designs form a unique collection of stunning lighters. Click here to Shop Now!



All Zippo windproof lighters are American made in Bradford, PA.

This Rounds Exclusives:

Rib Cage Design

This piece is bound to send shivers down your spine. The photo image 360° design process is used to produce an eerie x-ray effect that wraps this skeleton torso around all sides of a High Polish Black windproof lighter.


Celebrating Movies

Over 100 years ago, the first movie theater dedicated to showing motion pictures opened its doors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Our love for movies has never waivered, and today we celebrate our love for film with this Celebrating Movies design. This Armor® Black Ice® lighter displays a deep carved classic film reel, while the cinema tickets are laser engraved.

Occult Design

Feast your eyes on this eclectic artwork inspired by spiritual beliefs, magical techniques, mythology, and otherworldly experiences. This Occult Design features obscure symbols and signs which wrap around the entirety of this High Polish Black lighter using Zippo's photo image 360° process.

Snake Skin Design

Slithering its way into your collection will be this new Snake Skin design! This unique design presents a snakeskin pattern that completely envelopes the surface of the lighter using the 540 color process. This precision artwork creates a beautiful arrangement, perfect for displaying at all angles.



Kimono Pattern Design

The Kimono is a traditional Japanese garment that has charmed its way around the world due to its beauty and style. Their patterns are unique, traditional, powerful, and meaningful. This blue model depicts an array of colorful flowers and red-crowned cranes; these majestic birds are native to Japan and the eastern Asia region.



Fusion Space Design

In a world where a banana taped to a wall is "fine art," Zippo throws its flint dispenser into the ring. A design of our famous flint wheel dispenser is taped to a White Matte windproof lighter using the color imaging process. Never lose your flints with this irresistible design.



Previous Round Best Sellers:

Greetings from Zippo 540 Design

Greetings from Zippo- Home of the Zippo Windproof Lighter! In this 540 Color design, Zippo artists take inspiration from iconic greeting postcards. "Greetings from Zippo" is wrapped around the windproof lighter, with Zippo's Bradford, PA headquarters in the background. Displayed within each letter is an iconic reference to the Zippo brand. Can you name them all?


Plague of Disinformation

Deception is everywhere, a plague that has affected humanity since the beginning of time. This design displays a Plague Doctor in the foreground, with a signal tower broadcasting disinformation to the masses behind it. This eerie design is color imaged on a Black Matte Windproof Lighter.

Abstract Psychedelia 540 Glow-in-the-Dark

This Abstract Psychedelia design is created by combining two unique methods, 540 Color and Glow-in-the-Dark. Psychedelically inspired art is wrapped around the entirety of this lighter by using the 540 Color design process, where the Glow-in-the-Dark process brings a whole new level of creativity to this design. Expose this trippy piece to light, then turn off the lights to see this Zippo lighter shine!

Slim Lighter Classic Lighter 1935 Replica Lighter Vintage Lighter 1941 Replica Lighter Armor Lighter
Front shot of Slim Lighter with colors available below
Front shot of Classic Lighter with colors available below
Front shot of 1935 Replica Lighter with colors available below
Front shot of Vintage Lighter with colors available below
Front shot of 1941 Replica Lighter with colors available below
Front shot of Armor Lighter with colors available below























1.5 oz.

2.0 oz.

2.0 oz.

2.0 oz.

2.0 oz.

2.4 oz.


'One Box'

'One Box'

'One Box' with

silver foil lid

'One Box' with special

'Vintage' I-card

'One Box' with

silver foild lid

'One Box'

Lifetime Warranty